On behalf of the entire System Group team, we want to express our sincere hope that each of you and your loved ones are healthy and safe and, where necessary, that you are receiving the care you need. You have our commitment that we will take every necessary step to be a reliable partner in this quickly changing situation.

By now most businesses are in full business continuity mode and you’re addressing the direct challenges of protecting your employees from infection while providing much needed services to your customers. A rapid response is required to proactively manage—and be ready to react to—the ever-changing challenges of COVID-19. System Group is ready with assets and technology enablers to help you respond rapidly across your operational areas to ensure business continuity, communication and collaboration.

  • How to access our information with the help of cloud based applications at any time and place?

    Rahkaran on the Cloud, is a cloud based application that helps you to access your organization’s information at anytime, anywhere, without any geographical restrictions. Through this solution, your employees can work remotely from their house and continue to help you manage your operations effectively.

    رایانش ابری در دورکاری

  • We are by your side by providing reliable and speedy support services

    Understanding how it is important for you to continue with your business operations, we have revamped our support services to continue with our Service Level Agreement during these unchartered territories. We will continue to stand by our SLA promise and at the same time take every effort to minimize physical infection risks.

  • How to manage our prospects and continue to build relationships with our customers?

    Work remotely with CRM

    Now more than ever, a consistent, delightful customer experience is crucial for maintaining customer loyalty in your business and helping alleviate unprecedented stress for employees. Since the early days of Covid emergence in Iran, many businesses started to manage their operations through remote working. By using a cloud-based CRM solution, these businesses are able to adjust in real time to changing needs of their customers and prospects. A cloud-based CRM application ensures that your employees are providing up-to-the-minute answers during a time of crisis, winning you customer loyalty and lowering the amount of stress your employees must assume at a challenging time.

Other news

What we are doing for our employees?

As of April 6th, we put together a crisis management team to execute our business continuity plan and prepare to alleviate impact of Covid-19. We started our plan to enable us to continue to deliver products and services and minimize any interruptions that could affect you. Our executive team is monitoring the situation on a daily basis to understand and mitigate impact to business operations as much as possible. We are continuing to put measures in place to keep our employees safe including requiring the majority of our team to work from home using online collaboration tools to continue managing business.

System Group’s readiness to install and configure its applications remotely

Our latest move in this direction is the advancement of process and technology to enable deployment of solutions remotely. This process has been planned taking into account all the requirements and obligations of both sides through precise protocols. System Group has provided all the necessary infrastructure to enable such activities and to ensure result driven deployments.

How System Group solutions help businesses in covid-19 days؟

Farsan Solution

We have made it possible for the all distribution companies to use our distribution order management solution, called Farsan, for free until April 19th. Farsan will allow you to continue with your retail operation, while minimizing the need of physical interaction with visitors.

Mobile version of web-based office automation software

As announced in February 2019, in order for the users of the web-based office automation to be able to use this solution remotely, we are providing the mobile application for free of charge for up to five users until end of February 2020. More than 50 companies have taken advantage of this offer so far.